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Learn French for tourism

I am going to travel very soon to a French-speaking country but I don’t speak French. I want to learn the basics so I can get around more easily and have a nice trip!

If you’re planning to stay in the country for a short amount of time and are just planning to do some sightseeing, we can help you in a few classes!

When we travel, we usually experience situations in which the dialogues tend to be shorter.

Picture yourself getting out of the plane. Here it is, your first contact with this country you’ve been dreaming of for years. 

You are delighted, feeling a bit dizzy, perhaps, due to the jet lag… But, well, you have to keep on moving!

You want to get a taxi, ask for a Uber driver (you have no internet connection, by the way), take a bus leading downtown or even take any bus, take the subway or a train. This will probably be your first challenge — considering you were able to find your way out of the airport, of course.

You realize then that you need some basic knowledge of French, to read the signs, to ask questions like "Where is the way out?" to some airport employee and understand their answer.

Oh dear! And this is just the beginning. Once you are downtown, you'll have to find your hotel (that you would have probably booked online already), then find something to eat, find the tourist office, take public transportation to visit a tourist attraction, buy that awesome outfit you saw in a store, and so on. 

Don’t worry, the list doesn’t go on forever.

We are here to help you!

You need to plan ahead to enjoy the most out of these precious days visiting this place. You need to plan ahead to feel as at ease as you can and not to waste time trying to make yourself understood, miming and mumbling everything. 

Learn French for sightseeing with
Institut Culturel Imagine

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